Tuesday 8 December 2015


What you desire to achieve in life is different from what your parents or even the person next to you want. Whether it is providing the finest care for your parents and education for your children, advocating charitable endowments or satisfying your lifelong bucket list, we understand that the financial strategies you make are complex and serves a very personal purpose. PruBSN Platinum is designed to make your money work harder with the flexibility to adjust according to your life’s shifting priorities and challenges through protection, savings, investments and annual cash payouts, so you and your loved ones can experience life’s extras.

A Glimpse Into The Reality Of Financial Preparedness Today.
Do future uncertainties keep you awake at night?
88% of pre-retirees in Malaysia were concerned about not having enough money to live on day-to-day in retirement.
32% of Malaysian working adults believe they will not be able to maintain a comfortable lifestyle if they retire.
39% of Malaysian working adults say they cannot afford to prepare adequately for retirement. of Malaysian working adults say they did not know how much they needed to save for a comfortable retirement.
32% of Malaysians felt that the recession and current economic downturn continued to hamper their ability to save for retirement.
32% of retired respondents in Malaysia reported having ‘a lot less income’ than before they retired.
28% of Malaysian working adults say they did not know how much they needed to save for a comfortable retirement.
20% of retired respondents in Malaysia reported having ‘a lot less income’ than before they retired.

The Star, : Over 80% of Malaysians worry about not having enough for retirement’, publication date 27 Jan 2015. The Rakyat Post, ‘Malaysians can’t afford to retire’, publication date 27 Jan 2015. The Future of Retirement in East Asia Balancing Tradition and Modernity, published in 2012 by Prudential plc (UK). Ensuring a resilient financial future that meets your evolving needs
Annual Cash Payout
  • Gain steady stream of cash payouts before maturity from the end of 2nd certificate year and annually thereafter. The cash payout amount doubles from the 11th certificate year until maturity.
Maturity Benefits
  • Get payouts upon maturity of certificates.
Life Coverage Benefits
  • Take worries off your mind with Basic Sum Covered on loss of life or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)2 . Double of Sum Covered on loss of life or TPD due to accidental causes before age 70
Potential Investment Growth3
  • Increase your potential returns on investments from our range of market-leading Takafulink funds4 and the sukuk market.

Options for Contribution Term & Cash Payout Plan
  • Choose either 5, 10, 15 or 20 years of contribution term and expiry age of either 55, 60, 70 or 80 years old.
  • Pick from any of the 3 plans available to suit the amount of annual cash payout that you will receive from the 2nd certificate year onwards
Options to Receive or Keep Your Cash Payout
  • Remit your annual cash amount directly to your preferred bank account to grow your savings or Tabung Haji account to fulfil your pilgrimage of Hajj or Umrah.
  • Continue accumulating your annual cash amount for a more enduring reward.
Options to Utilise Savings When in Need
  • Make partial withdrawal from your accumulated savings when you really need it.5
Customise Your Investment Needs
  • Convenience to select and switch investment funds to suit your risk tolerance level and increase your chances for better investment growth.
  • Investment Funds Instruments Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Takafulink Dana Bon Takafulink Dana Urus High quality Shariah-approved shares listed on the Bursa Malaysia. Selection of Islamic debt securities. Shariah-approved shares and Islamic-debt securities
Options to Boost Your Life Coverages
  • Supplement your plan with our selection of attachable riders for additional coverages or protection.
  • Term Protector Contributor - Pays additional sum covered on top of the basic sum covered in the event of loss of life or TPD (before age 70)
  • Badal Hajj - Pays RM5,000 to individual nominee or Tabung Haji Travel & Services6 to perform Hajj on your behalf in the event of loss of life or TPD (before age 70).
  • Contributor - Pays bene t that is equivalent to the certi cate’s regular contribution upon covered person's diagnosis of a critical illness.
Options to Utilise Savings When in Need
  • Make partial withdrawal from your accumulated savings when you really need it.5
Certi cate Year / Cash Payout Plan - Portion of Sum Covered :
2nd to 10th
Classic 2%
Vantage 4%
Prime 6%
11th onwards until maturity
Classic 4 %
Vantage 8 %
Prime 12 %

Investment Funds Instruments
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti
  • High quality Shariah-approved shares listed on the Bursa Malaysia.
Takafulink Dana Bon
  • Selection of Islamic debt securities.
Takafulink Dana Urus
  • Shariah-approved shares and Islamic-debt securities
Term Protector
  • Pays additional sum covered on top of the basic sum covered in the event of loss of life or TPD (before age 70).
Badal Hajj
  • Pays RM5,000 to individual nominee or Tabung Haji Travel & Services6 to perform Hajj on your behalf in the event of loss of life or TPD (before age 70).
  • Pays bene t that is equivalent to the certi cate’s regular contribution upon covered person's diagnosis of a critical illness.
See how it all grows together Here is how PruBSN Platinum rewards you.
Age 30 Coverage begins Monthly contributions: RM936
  1. First cash payout: RM1,200 (Auto transfer to preferred savings account or Tabung Haji account (applicable to Muslim customers only)
  2. Contibution term ends Year 10
    Choose either 5, 10, 15 or 20 years of contribution term
  3. Total cash payout: RM13,200 Year 11
    Cash payout doubled to RM2,400/year until maturity
  4. Age 60 Coverage ends Year 30
    Total Cash Payout: RM58,800 + Maturity Bene t: RM30,000 + Remaining Balance in MSA & IUA: Scenario1 = RM35,899 |Scenario 2 = RM142,611

Essentials you must know
What is PruBSN Platinum?
A limited pay regular contribution takaful plan that combines ordinary family takaful with investment-linked takaful to offer protection, savings and investment. A significant portion of your contributions will be allocated in a non-linked fund named the MaxiShield Account (MSA) while the remainder will be invested in an investmentlinked fund(s) of your choice through your Investment Unit Account (IUA).

How much is the contribution?
The minimum contribution is RM500 subject to your selection of basic sum covered, cash payout plan, contribution term and contribution frequency (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually). Contribution rate will vary according to age, gender, smoking status, occupational class, expiry age and health conditions

Who is eligible for this plan?
You are eligible for this plan if you are between 19 and 65 years old. Age refers to Age Next Birthday (ANB).

5 Partial withdrawal can be made when you have a minimum balance of RM10,000 in MaxiShield Account (MSA) and Investment Unit Account (IUA) after the withdrawal, subject to a waiting period of 3 years. The minimum withdrawal amount is RM1,000. This option will proportionately reduce all benefits inclusive of annual cash payout, maturity benefit and riders benefit. The reduced basic sum covered is subject to a minimum of RM5,000.

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