Tuesday 8 December 2015


Many people are caught unaware when it comes to healthcare. We hear of unexpected events that happen almost daily in our lives. How many times have you heard of stories of friends or family members feeling ill one day, only to be diagnosed with a critical illness? Without adequate protection, we are sometimes left feeling helpless. Putting in place a financial plan is a wise thing to do now. Your life is precious. Not only to you, but also to your loved ones. A good financial plan will help you in difficult times, allowing you to focus on recovering, while the rest is being taken care of.

Discover a financial plan that gives you the best Created on the platform of being a broad protection plan, PruBSN CrisisCover is a carefully designed plan that protects you and your loved ones against financial crisis if unfortunate events happen.

  • Critical Illnesses such as heart attack, cancer, coronary artery disease, stroke, kidney failure and chronic liver disease are some of the illnesses covered, as well as loss of life and total and permanent disability.
  • On top of that, you can also add on additional coverage to strengthen your level of protection. PruBSN CrisisCover. The support you need when you need it most. How PruBSN CrisisCover helps you Financial support in times of need Provide you with cash if you are diagnosed with one of the covered 36 critical illnesses so you can get the necessary treatment.
  • Financial protection for your family Provide your family with cash if you lose your life, so they can continue their lives without financial worries.
  • Financial protection for you Provide you with cash if you cannot continue to earn a living due to a total and permanent disability. Keep you away from financial stress You do not need to worry about constraints in times of crisis.
  • Get better medical treatment With a lump sum cash, superior medical care is within reach.
  • Minimal cost with maximum benefit Ensure comprehensive financial protection with contribution from as low as RM0.671 a day!
  • Secure a home for your family Use the cash provided from this plan to pay off your mortgage to secure a home for your family if the unexpected happens to you.
How to further enhance your PruBSN CrisisCover?
You may enhance your PruBSN CrisisCover coverage with the following additional optional benefits.
  • Ensure continuous financial support for your family Family Income Benefit provides your family a monthly income for 120 months if you are totally and permanently disabled before age 70 or diagnosed with critical illness or if you lose your life.
  • Ensure continuous protection Spouse Contributor will pay for your future contribution in the event that your spouse is diagnosed with a critical illness or becomes totally and permanently disabled or passes away.
  • Parent Contributor will pay for your child’s future contribution in the event that you are diagnosed with a critical illness or becomes totally and permanently disabled or pass away.
    Who can take up PruBSN CrisisCover?
  • You can take up this plan from as early as 19 years old and as late as 65 years old.
  • You can also start protecting your children from as young as 2 weeks old. You can choose the term of coverage subject to a minimum of 10 years and expiry age up to 80 years old.
    What are the benefits provided below the age of 5?
  • In the event of critical illness, disability or loss of life before the age of 5, a reduced basic sum covered payable will be payable as follows. This is called a juvenile lien. Age 1 2 3 4 5 and above Percentage of Basic Sum Covered payable 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
    How much do I contribute for this plan?
    The minimum monthly contribution is RM20. However, your actual contribution amount will depend on the following: • your age • your amount and term of coverage • your health status • your occupation (if applicable) • your gender • your payment method and frequency How does sharing of Investment Profit on Mudharabah principles work? The Mudharabah principles allow any investment profit arising from the Individual Special Account (ISA) to be shared between you and us. You will receive 80% of the investment profit, while we will receive the balance of 20%. Your share of the profit will be placed back into your ISA.
    Will I receive any surplus from this plan?
  • You are entitled to receive at least 50% of the distributable surplus
    (if any) on yearly basis. The balance of up to 50%
  • is shared with us as an incentive for managing the Tabarru’ Fund. Your portion of the distributable surplus will be placed back into your ISA.
  • The returns from your account will be based on the actual performance of the account and are not guaranteed. • The investment risk of your account is borne solely by you and the benefits may be less than your total contributions. • You should continue paying your contributions regularly until the end of your coverage term to ensure that you are fully protected under the plan at all times. Failing to do so may cease your coverage prematurely. You are entitled for an individual tax relief amounting up to RM6,000 a year when you participate in this plan, subject to terms and conditions of the Inland Revenue Board (IRB). •
  • PruBSN Crisis Cover does not provide any benefit amount from the Tabarru’ Fund on termination, expiry or maturity of certificate. •

Critical Illnesses
List of 36 critical illnesses covered
  • AIDS due to blood transfusion or full blown AIDS Coronary artery disease including Angioplasty and other invasive treatments for coronary artery disease
  • Medullary cystic disease
  • Aplastic anaemia Deafness Meningitis Apallic syndrome Encephalitis Motor neurone disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease Fulminant viral hepatitis
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Benign brain tumour
  • Heart attack
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Blindness
  • Heart valve replacement
  • Paralysis Brain surgery
  • Kidney failure
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Cancer Loss of independent existence
  • Poliomyelitis
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Loss of speech
  • Primary pulmonary arterial hypertension
  • Chronic liver disease
  • Major burns
  • Stroke
  • Chronic lung disease
  • Major head trauma
  • Surgery to aorta
  • Coma Major organ transplant
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus lupus nephritis
    Find out how to best protect your family and yourself through a complete and suitable plan made especially for you and how to get the most for you and your family from us at Prudential BSN Takaful by calling any of our personnel or agents for a full consultation and get yourself the right protection today

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