Tuesday 9 February 2016


PRUhealth is a regular premium medical rider plan that reimburses medical expenses incurred in the event of hospitalisation. Not only does this plan reward policyholders with No Claims Bonus (NCB) for those who do not make any claims for the year, you now have the option to choose the level of deductible (the fixed amount you must pay out of the total medical fees, excluding cost of daily room & board, for any one disability during a 90-day period) of RM3,000 or RM10,000 other than the default coinsurance option.

You can take up PRUhealth when you purchase PRUlink one or PRUmy child policies. HOW WILL THE NO CLAIMS BONUS (NCB) BENEFIT ME? If you do not make any claims for the year, Prudential will reward you with No Claims Bonus (NCB) by purchasing additional units for your investment in the following year. The amount of bonus paid depends on the plan that you have chosen.Once you make a claim,you will not receive any bonus in the following year. However, you will receive the bonus for subsequent years as long as no claims are made. An example of the bonus mechanism, for a 30-year old male policyholder with a PRUhealth 200 plan, expiring at age 70 and pays an annual premium of RM1,032: overseas ?

If you receive medical treatment overseas under your PRUhealth plan, the benefits are paid according to the costs of treatment that would be reasonably charged by a hospital in Malaysia. No benefit is paid if you reside overseas for more than 90 days per trip. However, the 90 days restriction on overseas residence will not be applicable to PRUmedic overseas when attached to yourPRUhealth plan. Reimbursement of medical expenses shall also be based on the reasonable and customary charges of the country of treatment. This plan is for people aged between 1 – 70 years old next birthday who want a plan that takes care of their medical expenses AND rewards them for staying healthy. With additional premium and underwriting, you can now enhance the coverage of your

PRUhealth plan with:
a) PRUannual limit waiver – the rider plan that allows you to make claims higher than your annual limit by waiving the annual limit of your PRUhealth plan. This will ensure that you are safeguarded against any unexpected large medical claims within a policy year. PRUannual limit waiver can only be attached toPRUhealth 200, 300 and 400 plans (subject to additional premium). When PRUannual limit waiver is attached, claim amounts exceeding the annual limit will be subjected to a coinsurance amount of 10% on total claims (excluding cost of daily room & board).

b) PRUmedic overseas - have the option to seek overseas medical treatment or advice in China, Hong Kong or Singapore for the following covered conditions:
Surgery related to cancer
• Neurosurgery
Coronary artery bypass surgery
• Heart valve surgery
• Organ transplant (kidney, lung, liver, heart, pancreas 
 and bone marrow transplant)

In the event of a covered condition, if you choose to be hospitalised and undergo surgery in Malaysia instead of overseas due to reasons such as family or immobility, a Well-Being Benefit will be payable per admission for every surgery. Policyholders who claim Well-Being Benefit are no longer eligible to reimburse claims for Hospital & Surgical Benefits and Out-patient Treatment Benefits for that particular covered condition. Instead, you may claim Well-Being Benefit for multiple admissions for surgery on covered conditions in Malaysia, and claim for local medical treatment under PRUhealth based on reasonable and customary charges.



Memperkenalkan PRU@work, satu pelan insurans yang dicipta khas untuk menyediakan jaminan kewangan dan manfaat penjagaan kesihatan istimewa untuk pekerja anda. Langkah permulaan ini memainkan peranan penting untuk membantu anda menarik dan mengekalkan pekerja berkualiti yang mampu memperkembangkan perniagaan anda. Lindungi perniagaan anda dengan memastikan pekerja anda dilindungi.

Manfaat Asas
menyediakan bantuan kewangan kepada pekerja anda jika berlaku kematian atau Hilang Upaya Penuh dan Kekal (TPD) sebelum berumur 70 tahun. Manfaat ini memastikan ahli keluarga tersayang mereka mampu meneruskan kehidupan dengan sebaiknya seandainya perkara yang tidak diingini menimpa mereka

Perlindungan Tambahan
Manfaat Opsyenal ini membolehkan kakitangan yang didiagnos dengan mana-mana 36 Penyakit Kritikal menerima manfaat sekaligus untuk membantu meringankan beban kewangan mereka. Manfaat sekaligus ini akan mengurangkan Manfaat Asas.

2. Manfaat Hilang Upaya Separa Kekal Kumpulan (GPPD)
Manfaat Opsyenal
ini menyediakan bayaran sekaligus sejajar dengan peratusan Jadual Indemniti1 sekiranya pekerja anda
mengalami kecederaan badan akibat sebarang sebab

3. Manfaat Kematian & Hilang Upaya Akibat Kemalangan Kumpulan (GADD)
Manfaat Kematian & Hilang Upaya Akibat Kemalangan Kumpulan (GADD)
Kemalangan boleh berlaku pada bila-bila masa dan di mana-mana sahaja. Manfaat Opsyenal ini menyediakan amaun sekaligus sejajar dengan Jadual Indemniti1 jika pekerja anda meninggal dunia atau mengalami kecederaan badan (sebagai contoh kehilangan jari, anggota badan, penglihatan dsb) akibat satu Kemalangan

Manfaat Pembayaran Ganti Perubatan akibat Kemalangan Kumpulan2 (GAMR)
Jika pekerja anda mengalami kecederaan badan akibat Kemalangan, Manfaat Opsyenal ini membayar balik semua perbelanjaan perubatan yang ditanggung untuk rawatan, caj hospital dan yuran kejururawatan sehingga amaun manfaat untuk pelan yang dipilih bagi setiap Kemalangan.

Manfaat Pampasan Mingguan Kumpulan2 (GWI)
Jika pekerja anda mengalami kecederaan badan akibat Kemalangan yang menyebabkan Hilang Upaya Penuh Sementara, Manfaat Opsyenal ini membayar manfaat mingguan semasa tempoh hilang upaya untuk membantu menampung perbelanjaan kehidupan harian mereka.

Manfaat Hospital & Pembedahan Kumpulan (GHS)
Manfaat Opsyenal ini memberi 6 pelan perlindungan penjagaan kesihatan komprehensif untuk menjaga pekerja anda. Ia juga membenarkan anda melanjutkan perlindungan GHS untuk pasangan atau anak-anak pekerja anda. Semua manfaat di atas adalah sah di seluruh dunia.

Apakah PRU@work?
PRU@work adalah pelan hayat bertempoh kumpulan bukan penyertaan dengan tempoh pembaharuan tahunan. Polisi ini membayar manfaat kematian sekaligus jika Ahli Yang Diinsuranskan meninggal dunia atau mengalami Hilang Upaya Penuh dan Kekal sebelum berumur 70 tahun semasa tahun polisi. Anda boleh memilih salah satu pelan di bawah (Pelan 1 – 6) untuk setiap kategori pekerjaan. Semua pekerja anda di dalam kategori pekerjaan yang sama mesti menyertai pelan yang sama.

Manfaat Hospital & Pembedahan Kumpulan (GHS)
Manfaat Opsyenal ini memberi 6 pelan perlindungan penjagaan kesihatan komprehensif untuk menjaga pekerja anda. Ia juga membenarkan anda melanjutkan perlindungan GHS untuk pasangan atau anak-anak pekerja anda. Semua manfaat di atas adalah sah di seluruh dunia.


Kami semua tahu penjagaan perubatan amat diperlukan dan keperluan untuk penjagaan kesihatan menjadi semakin penting terutamanya apabila kami berusia. Dengan kos perubatan semakin meningkat, adakah anda pernah tertanya-tanya sama ada simpanan anda cukup untuk melindungi anda daripada sebarang ketidakpastian dan penjagaan perubatan? Alangkah baik jikalau adanya pelan perubatan yang bukan saja menjaminkan insurans sepanjang hayat dan melindungi semua keperluan perubatan anda, malah membantu anda menabung juga dengan lebih manfaat? Memperkenalkan PRUvalue med, satu pelan perubatan yang menggabungkan nilai luar biasa dan kemampuan. Dengan PRUvalue med, anda tidak perlu lagi memilih antara kesihatan dan kewangan kerana kami mengambil berat terhadap keperluan perubatan anda. PRUvalue med menawarkan :

Apa itu PRUvalue med?
PRUvalue med ialah rider perubatan premium tetap berkaitan pelaburan yang membayar balik perbelanjaan perubatan yang wujud pada masa kemasukkan hospital dan rawatan pesakit luar.

Apa itu Med Value Point (MVP)?
Tuntutan bagi manfaat berkelayakkan akan dibayar sepenuhnya (terhad kepada Med Saver, jika bersesuaian) sehingga Med Value Point yang dipilih. Jika jumlah tuntutan
melebihi Med Value Point yang dipilih, Kami akan membayar 80% daripada jumlah kos manfaat berkelayakkan. Manfaat Rawatan Kanser Pesakit Luar dan Dialisis Buah Pinggang Pesakit Luar akan terhad kepada 1.5 kali Med Value Point yang dipilih. Tuntutan ke atas Rawatan Kanser Pesakit Luar dan Dialisis Buah Pinggang Pesakit Luar akan diambil kira dalam Med Value Point.

Apa itu Med Saver?
Med Saver membenarkan anda menikmati jimatan premium di mana premium yang dijimat boleh digunakan untuk meningkatkan perlindungan dan dana persaraan anda. Jika Med Saver dipilih, anda perlu membayar jumlah yang tetap sebanyak RM300 daripada manfaat berkelayakkan sebelum Kami membayar sebarang perbelanjaan untuk sebarang kecacatan (Kecuali kos Bilik dan Penginapan harian dan Kanta Intraokular) Bagaimana Med Saver berfungsi?

Scenario MED SAVER
James ialah pelanggan lelaki berumur 35 tahun yang bekerja sebagai Pengurus Akauntan (Kelas 1).Beliau membeli pelan PRUvalue med pada 1 April 2015 dengan premium tahunan RM5,250 melabur dalam PRUlink equity fund dan membuat pilihan berikut:

Bagaimana saya bermula dengan PRUvalue med?

Get MORE with PRUvalue med.Wouldn’t it be great if there is a medical plan that not only promises you a lifetime of assurance for all your medical needs, but also helps you save with more benefits?Introducing, PRUvalue med, a medical plan that combines extraordinary values and savings. With PRUvalue med, you will never have to choose between your health and finances as your healthcare needs are what matters most to us.


Crisis Cover Plus - Comprehensive critical illness coverage and more.Crisis Cover Plus is a level term assurance that provides protection upon death, total & permanent disability and upon diagnosis of any of the 36 critical illnesses.This plan also has the flexibility to allow you to add on optional benefits such as medical & health optional benefits to enhance your protection. 

Crisis Cover Plus 
is a level term assurance. This plan will pay out a lump sum benefit upon the event of death or total permanent disability or diagnosis of any of the 36 critical illnesses. You can choose to enhance your protection by add on optional benefits. 
“Optional Benefits” 
for further details.Crisis Cover Plus pays:
1.Death benefit
2.Total and permanent disability before 60 years old / age 60 next birthday
3.Critical illnesses upon diagnosis of one of the 36 critical illnesses.Anyone between the ages of 1-60 years on their next birthday can take up this plan.

PRUmultiple crisis cover -A plan that allows you to bounce back after a critical illness...again and again. PRUmultiple crisis cover is a term plan that recognizes the need for enhanced protection and peace of mind. This plan not only covers you against death, Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), it also protects you against a wide range of critical illnesses and allows you to make MULTIPLE critical illness and cancer claims. But not only that, you may also add on supplementary benefits that will further enhance your PRUmultiple crisis cover plan, which means you can customise this plan with features that would best suit your need. Critical illnesses claims of up to THREE times You are allowed up to THREE critical illness claims from a comprehensive and wide ranging list of illnesses, allowing you a peace of mind knowing that you are covered again and

Coverage for TWO instances of Cancer
PRUmultiple crisis cover allows you to make up to TWO cancer claims, giving you added protection when you need it most.WAIVER of PREMIUMS upon diagnosis of critical illness From the first instance of critical illness diagnosis, PRUmultiple crisis cover will waive all future premiums, so that you can concentrate on getting your health back on track without any additional worry. COMPREHENSIVE coverage for death, disability and critical illnesses We truly understand when you need help the most by giving you protection for a wide range of critical illnesses in addition to death and Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) benefits.

PRUmultiple crisis cover is a term plan that covers you against death, Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) and a wide range of critical illnesses. It is a unique plan that allows you to make multiple critical illness and cancer claims.



Your hope for your child begins even before birth. Let PRUmy child protect this hope of yours, from the very beginning. Even before he or she is born, hope is there - hope that he or she will always be happy, safe and healthy. This hope is precious and worth protecting from the start.At Prudential, we can help you secure your hopes and dreams for your child through a comprehensive protection plan withPRUmy child as early as 18 weeks into pregnancy. Aiming to give you peace of mind, the new Infant Care benefit under PRUmy child provides protection during the crucial prenatal, neonatal and post-natal periods. 

PRU my child benefits at a glance 
•Gives you control and flexibility to design a complete plan for your child. 
•Covers your baby as early as 18 weeks into pregnancy.
•Option to attach Infant Care* rider to enhance your baby's protection from 18 weeks of your pregnancy up to your child reaching 2 years old.
•Build your child's education fund with optional 

PRUedusaver and PRUsaver kid riders.
ENHANCE your child’s plan with a NEW & EXTENDED range of covers.Aiming to give you peace of mind when it comes to your child’s needs, the new Infant Care* benefit under this plan offers your child protection during the crucial pregnancy and infancy periods under the Pregnancy Care Benefit and Child Care Benefit.
Optional benefit subject to underwriting and additional premiums for 2 years and purchased within 18 to 35 gestational weeks. Planting the seeds towards a SECURE EDUCATION FUND for your child Will you be prepared when your child is ready for higher education? With 

kid or PRUedusaver, you can start building your child’s education fund and reap the potential of higher returns through our series of PRUlink or PRUlink education funds. You can opt to receive the payout for your child’s education when they are entering higher tertiary institution anytime between the age of 18 – 25 years next birthday. What is PRUmy child and who can buy this plan? PRUmy child is a regular premium investment-linked insurance plan. You can buy this plan for your unborn child at 18 weeks into your pregnancy, or for your child who is between 1 to 18 years of age on his/her next birthday.


Sesiapa yang tengah mencari Coverage ○Protection+Investment Call ○ Whatsapp me at 012-3928458 
anytime for "FREE QUOTATION" to suits your Budget dan Keperluan .